The Collins McNicholas 2023 Salary Guide offers a comprehensive nationwide analysis of salaries across nine sectors and eight regions, including Dublin, South, South East, Midlands, Midwest, West, North West, and North East.
Over the past 12 months, the world of work has continued to evolve with a focus on remote and hybrid working opportunities very much to the fore for many candidates. This fluidity in the working environment has bridged the gap between regional and urban salaries across a number of disciplines.
You can click here to download our 2023 Salary Guide.
To gather data on salary levels in specific sectors, we review the information provided by clients recruiting in those areas and feedback from the candidates currently working in them. We collected salary data from a sample of over 4,100 candidates registered on our database between January and March 2023. We compared it to actual salary figures provided by our clients for over 502 job vacancies we recruited for during that same timeframe.
Market Trends
Collins McNicholas continually monitors market trends and changes using our nationwide presence to provide insights to clients, candidates, and stakeholders. This salary guide will be helpful for both companies and professionals based in Ireland, as well as those considering Ireland as a future career destination. The regional breakdown will guide organisations considering setting up a presence in Ireland when costing their headcount plan for a specific location.
Niall Murray
Managing Director