Ability & Skills
Make hiring decisions faster, easier, and bias-free
The ability to solve complex problems, make decisions, and use sound reasoning are critical to success in today’s workforce. Ability assessments are valid and reliable tools that reveal an individual’s reasoning, logic, and ability to work with information and can accurately predict the potential for success.
Skills assessments measure specific skills and knowledge areas to understand candidates’ individual strengths and potential weaknesses. They are invaluable for any role where candidates must have certain skills to be productive from day one on the job.
These assessments can be completed face-to-face or online.
Screen out candidates performing below an agreed benchmark
Rank all candidates according to their scores
Used for roles of all levels, ranging from operator level up to executive level roles
Often useful when there is a high volume of applications
Can be administered online or via pencil and paper
Can administer an off the shelf measure or design a bespoke assessment using an organisation’s own tools and materials
Assesses abilities and skills not easily viewed at interview
Achieves better candidate “fit”
Provides a realistic preview of the role for the candidates, leading to self-deselection
Provides a fair and transparent process
Analyse the strengths or potential weaknesses that a candidate has with a specific ability and skill that is necessary for a role
Ensures the process is standardised and reliable, using highly valid tools