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The Ultimate Guide to Convincing Top Candidates to Accept Your Job Offer

  • Publish Date: Posted 12 months ago
  • Author:by Rory Walsh

​In today's highly competitive job market, finding the right candidate for a position can be challenging. But the real challenge lies in convincing the candidate to accept your job offer. According to Glassdoor research, one in six job offers gets rejected. So, how do you ensure that your top candidate accepts the job offer you're presenting?

​In this guide, we'll discuss practical strategies that can help you convince the right candidate to accept your job offer.

Listen and understand motivations and career drivers

​It is crucial to provide a positive candidate experience. Respond quickly to inquiries, keep candidates updated throughout the recruitment process, and offer a warm and friendly demeanour during interviews. A positive candidate experience can go a long way in convincing the candidate to accept your job offer. At the start of the interview, always take a few minutes to discuss the value within the organisation and the full opportunity on hand for the successful candidate. Waiting until the job offer stage may be too late. You need to be consistently highlighting the opportunity throughout the process.

​During the interview process, get to know the candidate and take the time with probing questions to really understand their career aspirations and what they're looking for in a job. Every candidate is different, so this information is essential when selling the opportunity. You cannot come up with a solution unless you understand the problem!

Make the Candidate Feel Wanted

​When a candidate is considering a job offer, they want to feel wanted. That's why it's essential to make the candidate feel valued and appreciated throughout the recruitment process. Respond promptly to their emails and phone calls, and ensure that the interview process is smooth and efficient.

​During interviews, focus on the candidate's strengths and how they can contribute to the team. Show enthusiasm for their candidacy. Highlight how others with a similar background have flourished in the role and organisation. If the candidate feels that they are a valuable asset to the company, they're more likely to accept the job offer.

Work colleagues celebrating
Show How the Job Will Benefit Them

​When presenting a job offer to a candidate, it's essential to show how the job will benefit them. Start by focusing on what the candidate values most in their career, such as opportunities for growth, work-life balance, or a positive work environment. Then, explain how the job meets those values.

​For example, if the candidate values work-life balance, highlight the company's flexible hours or remote work options. If the candidate values opportunities for growth, explain how the job will provide challenging projects or opportunities for professional development.

​It's also important to show the candidate how the job will benefit their career long-term. Explain how the job will help them build skills, gain experience, and advance their career. Give them an example of yourself or a colleague who has progressed quickly and taken that opportunity. When the candidate sees clearly how the job will benefit their career, they're more likely to accept the job offer.

Focus on Employer Branding

​Employer branding is an essential aspect of recruiting top candidates. It's all about creating a positive image of your company and showcasing what makes it a great place to work. A strong employer brand can help you attract top talent and convince them to accept your job offer. It is very important to communicate this throughout the interview process.

Highlight your company's values, mission, and culture and how these are brought into everyday life in the organisation. Share positive reviews from current and former employees on social media, job boards and employee engagement surveys or from clients on Google reviews and from employees on employee engagement survey results. This is data and will give you credibility. You want all candidates interviewing to fully understand your Employee Value Proposition. This includes everything from wellness initiatives and staff social events to flexible working and career growth opportunities.

​You should also focus on creating a positive candidate experience for all candidates interviewed. Your brand will be impacted by this, and your job offer acceptance rate will be impacted significantly by your employer brand.

Hourglass showing time passing
Create Urgency

​When presenting a job offer to a candidate, it's essential to create a sense of urgency. Let the candidate know that there are other candidates being considered for the position and that time is of the essence. If the candidate is a top choice, let them know that you're eager to have them join the team.

You can also create urgency by setting a deadline for the candidate to accept the job offer. Let the candidate know that the job offer will expire after a certain date, and encourage them to make a decision as soon as possible. When the candidate feels that there's a limited time to accept the job offer, they're more likely to act quickly.

Use Hiring Manager Feedback

​If the candidate is hesitant to accept the job offer, it's effective to use the hiring manager's feedback to win them over. Talk to the hiring manager or other employees the candidate will be working with and get feedback on why they're excited about the candidate joining the team.

​Share this feedback with the candidate during the job offer presentation. Let them know that the hiring manager is eager to have them join the team and that they're a top choice for the position. When the candidate sees that they're valued by the company and its employees, they're more likely to accept the job offer.

Happy employees shaking hands
Get to the Bottom of the Problem

​If the candidate is hesitant to accept the job offer, it's essential to get to the bottom of the problem. Ask probing questions to identify the candidate's concerns or hesitations. Is it a matter of compensation, work-life balance, or the company's culture?

​Once you've identified the problem, work with the candidate to find a solution. If it's a matter of compensation, consider offering a higher salary or additional benefits. If it's a matter of work-life balance, consider offering flexible hours or remote work options.

Show Them They're Welcome

​When a candidate is considering a job offer, they want to feel like they're welcome at the company. One way to do this is to provide the candidate with a tour of the office or workspace and encourage a discussion with the manager about future opportunities. Show them where they'll be working and introduce them to other employees. When the candidate sees that they're welcome at the company, they're more likely to accept the job offer.

Having the Counteroffer conversation before they hand in their notice

If the candidate has verbally accepted your offer and is contemplating handing in their notice, it is crucial to address the topic of counteroffers. Mention that most candidates receive counteroffers from their current employers, primarily due to the cost of filling their role in the current job market, so they will most likely receive one. However, it's worth noting that even if they accept a counteroffer, statistics show that 95% of those individuals still leave within 12 months. This is because the root issues that initially prompted them to seek new opportunities are rarely effectively resolved. To assist them, provide guidance on how to approach the resignation conversation and letter, encouraging clear and direct communication.

Know When to Say Goodbye

​If you've done everything you can to convince the candidate to accept the job offer and given a reasonable amount of time to make a decision and speak with family, but they're still hesitant, it may be time to walk away. Don't become too invested in one candidate and risk losing other qualified candidates.

​Give the candidate two choices: either they take the job now, or you walk away. If the candidate is still hesitant, it's likely time to move on.


​Convincing the right candidate to accept your job offer can be challenging, but it's not impossible. In the current market, top talent will always have other attractive options on the table. Therefore, to fend off the competition, you need to take every opportunity to highlight the fantastic opportunity on hand and put your best foot forward right from the very first touchpoint. By listening and understanding their motivations, making them feel wanted, and showing them how the job will benefit them, you can win over the candidate.

​Remember to focus on employer branding, create urgency, get to the bottom of the problem, and use hiring manager feedback to win over the candidate. When the candidate feels comfortable, valued, and excited about the job, they're more likely to accept the job offer.

If you're an employer that is interested in working with Collins McNicholas for your recruitment needs, take a look at our various recruitment solutions. Our team of consultants are experts in handling every stage of the recruitment process, from sourcing right through to offers. We work with clients from a variety of sectors, taking care of one-off hires as well as high-volume ramp-ups.

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Rory Walsh - Associate Director - Munster - Collins McNicholas
Rory Walsh
​Associate Director | Munster