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Learning From My Candidates and Changing My Attitude

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 4 years ago
  • Author:by Galway Office

“What you tell yourself every day will either lift you up or tear you down”, so today I chose ‘productive and positive’ as my mantra while I got ready for the day ahead. Initially, I was inspired by a TedTalk I recently listened to, where Debra Searle spoke about her solo row across the Atlantic. Each day, Deborah came up with little exercises to stay motivated. This made me think about how the candidates I speak to every day inspire me and sometimes teach me to pull myself up when things may not be going to plan.

Recently, I have spoken to a number of candidates who have been made redundant in the past 12 months. Some of these people have been searching for their dream job and not getting anywhere and had become generally deflated with their career, trying to figure out their next steps. Many of these candidates taught me how they responded to this and maintained positivity and ultimately got their careers back on track and found new roles.

But, when our confidence takes a hit it can be very hard to have a positive attitude and instead we can get caught up in a cycle of negativity.

If you find yourself struggling with staying positive, perhaps this little exercise can help you or someone you know:

“Choose your Attitude” seems like simple advice but initially I found it quite hard, even doing this for just one week! I decided that I would begin by building this mindset into my morning routine. So while the kettle boils for that first fabulous morning cuppa, I would choose my attitude for the day ahead. Keeping it simple is key! Thinking of my day ahead, I would ask myself “What do I want to achieve today?" or “What will my general mood be?

None of this advice is new or ground-breaking and you’ve probably heard similar advice before. We’ve all been told to “set our intentions” or radiate “positive vibes”! But for me, there is something powerful in the word attitude. I get to choose my own attitude. I am the driver of how I take on my day.

If you’re like me and have been working remotely for over a year, you probably understand the importance of having new ways to stay motivated. The long, dark winter nights of lockdown are behind us. Now, the sun is shining a little bit more and the possibility of doing more has massively helped the mood for us all. This is one example of how a positive mindset can impact our daily lives!

My advice: try and “choose your attitude” for one week at a time and see where it takes you. Write a list of how you want to approach your day and tick these off. Just like my candidates taught me, a positive mindset will manifest positive results!