How should I prepare for an Assessment Centre or Online Assessment?
Publish Date:Posted almost 10 years ago
Author:by Caroline Macklin
With the increased use of online assessment as a first or second stage of a recruitment process, “How do I prepare for an assessment?” is a question that Collins McNicholas is often asked.
What questions should I ask?
As with all stages of the Recruitment Process, gain as much information as you can at the outset. This will help you to feel more relaxed when completing the assessment.
Are there practice materials available?
Do I need to complete anything beforehand?
Do I need to bring anything with me?
Will there be computer-based and/or practical hands-on assessments?
What types of exercise will I be completing?
How many people will be there?
Is there a dress code?
How much time should I set aside
What if there’s little or no information available?
Don’t worry, all candidates will be in the same situation. Find out as much information as you can but don’t become anxious if you don’t get all the answers. Detailed instructions will be provided with the assessment so just ensure you read all material provided before you begin.
This may not be the same assessment as you take on the day but may help you to feel more prepared.
Any other tips?
If your assessment is online, ensure you are in the right frame of mind and without any interruptions or distractions before beginning
If the assessment is face to face, communicate – interact with other participants and your Assessors as appropriate
Read all instructions provided carefully and ensure you understand any practice questions or materials
Suspend belief if necessary e.g. if you are asked to assume an imaginary role at a fictitious company try to put yourself in that position as best you can
Relax, all candidates are in the same situation. Keep all of these tips in mind to help you prepare for an assessment.